Monday, May 7, 2007


Tom Conkwright focused on pairs of photographs that created relationships. He explained his various shooting methods and presented his contact sheets. Tom showed the difference between shooting through the lense of the camera and hip-shooting, which is not looking through the lense. It wasn't until his was finished shooting that he looked at the photographs and paired them together. I enjoyed the pairs oh photographs that looked like they were a continuation of eachother, like the pair with the concentric circles. The black and white photography really makes the formal relationships of the two images stand out. I think he captured his motive of celebrating life within photography, especially demonstrating how life can be made up of coincidences that fit together. From seeing his half-way smp presentation, Tom really developed the kind of diptych relationships and focused on several that worked strongly together.

Amy McIntosh created a childrens book entitled "Wheres the bear?" I enjoyed seeing who her illustrations and language were inspired by. There are few words within her book, but Amy explains that she chose them carefully and wanted to increase the value of each word. I like how she says she wanted this book to be fun for kids, but not as "cutesy" and some childrens books. The page that i enjoyed the most was the "hose, nose, rose" combination. The shape of the roses and the hose work really well and are just the right amount of playfulness for a childrens book. I think this book has the right amount of visual cues and language for a beginner reader. The final product was very professional and impressive.

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